Article archive


18/01/2012 09:36
This document is an overview of the process and rules of the BPL Player Auction. This will be a private auction to be conducted under the rules outlined in this document. An independent professional auctioneer will conduct the Auction and he will be the sole arbiter as to all aspects of the...

Confusion over the price of icon players

15/01/2012 09:20
Bangladesh Premier League (BPL) governing body started playing hide and seek game regarding the price of icon players after they created a discrimination between local and foreign players over the base price. It was decided that the icon players will get five percent more of his team’s highest...

BPL Concert

14/01/2012 08:29
THE singers from India and Bangladesh enthralled the spectators with their melodious songs at a packed concert organised at the Laboni Point sea beach here to create hype for the upcoming Bangladesh Premier League on Friday. The concert started at 4pm with the songs of the local singers and ended...

Player List upto 13/01/12

13/01/2012 17:03
  Players list The BPL has annoucned that the following players will be available for the player action on 19 January. A list containing Indian players will also be realsed prior to the auction. [edit]Domestic Players[3] Grade Players Icon...
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